The Working Committee

The Working Committee (WC) consists of six dedicated ALTs along with the PAs. Together, we collaborate throughout the year to meticulously plan and execute both the Welcome Orientation and the Skills Development Conference. However, our responsibilities extend beyond these two events. If you’re intrigued by the idea of joining the WC in the future, be sure to watch out for upcoming applications. It’s an excellent opportunity to contribute to the ALT community in Nagasaki and gain valuable experience to showcase on your resume beyond your JET journey!

Now, let’s get acquainted with each member of the 2023 Working Committee:


Hello! My name is Chrystal and I’m a third year ALT from Singapore. I teach elementary and junior high schools in Omura. You might not have heard of Omura, but you probably have been, or will at some point, go to Omura if you take the plane from Nagasaki to travel out to other areas! Besides the airport, Omura is also well known for Omurazakura, a kind of cherry blossom flower that is unique to this area. In my free time I love cooking, playing video games, crocheting, making stuff with my sewing machine, painting, and playing with my cat. If you have any questions, need some help, or just want someone to talk to, drop me a message!


Hello! I’m Ian, a third year ALT from the U.S. living in the small town of Chijiwa in Unzen City on the Shimabara Hanto (peninsula)! My schools are really small with only one class per grade (one school even has 3 kids per grade!) but it’s a great town to be in, with a beach, shrines, mountain hikes, and restaurants all within walking distance. I love to play soccer, go paddleboarding, cooking with local produce, and above all I love to host and plan events here in the Hanto! Feel free to message me or check out our page to see what’s going on!


Hi there! I’m Wendy, a second year ALT from Canada.  I work at a high school in Nagasaki City.  You’ll likely find me diving in, floating on, or simply looking across the East China Sea.


Hello! My name is Elle. I am a third year ALT from Canada. I teach junior high and elementary in the outskirts of Nagasaki City. I have a pile of art-related hobbies like painting and making hand-made goods. I also enjoy walking, hiking, and playing badminton. I love talking about anything education-related, so feel free to stop for a chat if you see me!


G’day! I`m Jason, a second year JET ALT from a land down under (Australia). I’m based in Sasebo and I primarily teach at two Junior High Schools whilst doing guest visits to several Elementary Schools multiple times a year. In my free time I can often be found playing music, studying at a cafe or outside hiking in the mountains. Feel free to say ‘Hi’ or ask me questions about JET or life in Japan.


Hi, I’m Charlotte Nana Mayworm. I’m a third year JET Assistant Language Teacher. I’m from the United States of America. I teach at six elementary and junior high schools in Sasebo City, Nagasaki! I like illustrating worksheets and making tablet-based activities for my students to enjoy. I love learning about education, traditional arts, and sustainability in Japan. I also love doing research in Japanese. Let’s chat about silk production, weaving, natural architecture, language study, teaching English, or whatever you’d like to talk about, any time!