Here are some mental health resources to help you find the support you need. Work stress, interpersonal issues, culture shock–you may encounter issues during your time as a JET that negatively impact your mental health. Fortunately, there are a number of free and paid online counseling services. Unfortunately, however, it can be difficult to find face-to-face therapy because there are few if any English-speaking counselors in Nagasaki. If you need counseling for mental health, prescription medication, or just a sympathetic human being to talk to, please reach out and try one of the resources below. 

Talk to the PAs

If you’re having a conflict at work or with other ALTs, the PAs are here to help. They live nearby and have received basic training in helping ALTs solve their problems. They can provide information and resources on power harassment, sexual harassment and assault, culture shock, and physical health. If there is an issue you don’t feel comfortable talking to your supervisor about, try the PAs. However, they are not licensed counselors, so while they can help you resolve conflicts or find resources, they do not provide actual counseling. Email to reach them. All communication is 100% confidential within the PA team.

AJET Peer Support Group (PSG) 

050-5534-5566, or voice call @AJETPSG via Skype

This is a listening and support service run by and for JETs. It is available from 8PM-7AM every night. It is free, confidential, and anonymous. 

PSG can provide resources to help with many issues, from finding a doctor to sexual harassment. As it says on their website: “Whether you’ve had a bad day at work, need to see a doctor at 3:00 am or just want to speak English with someone, the volunteers at PSG are available to listen.” 

Please note that PSG volunteers are not licensed counselors and do not provide professional short or long term counseling. If you need professional counseling, they can help you find someone. 

TELL (Tokyo English Life Line) 03-5774-0992

TELL is a nonprofit organization that was created in 1973. It offers free and anonymous phone counselling and information at 03-5774-0992 daily from 9:00am to 11:00pm. If you have an urgent problem or mental health crisis, they are prepared to help you through it. 

JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme

With the aim of enhancing mental health support for JET participants, CLAIR offers the JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme. This program provides a partial subsidy (50%, up to ¥30,000 per year) for counselling costs incurred through consultation with mental health professionals in Japan not covered by health insurance. The coverage period is from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Your CO can help you with the paperwork to get reimbursed for your counseling costs. Also see the monthly CLAIR emails for more info. Incidentally, CLAIR also covers up to 80,000 for health expenses not covered by insurance, like hospitalizations, so try that resource as well if you ever pay high medical expenses from hospitalization or medication. For help with that paperwork, contact your CO. 

JET Online Counselling Service

JET participants are also able to receive professional counselling for free through Web Mail and Skype, as part of the JET Online Counselling Service established by CLAIR. The monthly CLAIR emails provide login details, or you can ask the PAs. The email counseling service is unlimited, but the skype counseling service is limited to seven sessions per year. JETs have had mixed experiences with these services. Like any counseling experience, the first person you talk to may not be the best fit for you. If you want a new counselor, it is possible for both email and skype services.

AJET website:

This webpage provides AJET’s advice on a variety of mental health-related topics, such as culture shock, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and loneliness. While somewhat basic, it is a great starting point to help you understand your current mental health situation and start to seek out more detailed resources. 

Japan Healthcare Info

For help finding English-speaking doctors, try using Japan Healthcare Info. If you tell them specifics in an email, they will try to find a doctor in whatever price range, area of expertise etc. that you need. They can even make an appointment for you (for about 1100 yen). This is a great and free resource to find healthcare of all kinds, not just mental health. Just be aware that there might not be any English-speaking doctors who meet your criteria in your area, so you may have to compromise on something like prices/rates or travel out of your area.

International Mental Health Professionals Japan

These therapists provide counseling in English. They are experienced, licensed counselors trained in many different therapy techniques and specializing in many different areas. The practice in all different areas across the country, however many offer online counseling. Many also have extensive experience working with JET participants. Remember that CLAIR will refund you half of your out-of-coverage counseling fees up to 30,000 yen.

The Japan Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists (JSCCP)

This website provides a resource (Japanese-only) that helps locate JSCCP-approved therapists in any part of Japan, and can be searched for by language, among other specifications. You can use a browser translation tool to help you navigate it, or ask someone you trust who can help you read it and search.

7 cups of tea

Trained volunteer listeners available 24/7 for free online. It is completely anonymous and has a variety of options including one on one counseling and various group counseling chats. There is also a more in depth guided therapy program that is tailored to your needs led by a licensed therapist available for a fee.


Talkspace is a website that provides chat-based therapy with licensed counselors. One benefit is that it is 24/7. There are over 5000 conselors, so they will match you with one who will meet your specific wants and needs. There are many different plans to choose from for different budgets.


Online Counseling Concerns:

There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages to online counseling compared to in person counseling. The link below outlines some of these advantages and disadvantages. If you choose to purse counseling it’s important to consider the kind of counselor you see (what discipline are they trained in/what kind of counseling do they offer) and how you see them (how often, online/in person, text-based etc). You should consider these things and choose something that feels right for you.