Figuring out how far your paycheck can go is a little tricky at first. Everyone has the same pay scale but everyone’s expenses and how/when you have to pay them is different. This is a ROUGH ESTIMATE of what you might have to pay. All numbers here are ranges or estimates. The ALTs in your area or your supervisor will have the most accurate numbers for you. 

After insurance/other deductions your monthly take home will be about

1st years ~240,000

2nd years ~ 260,000

3rd years ~274,000

4th/5th years ~ 275,000

*There is no raise after 4th year. Any year after that should stay the same. 

*These numbers do not have rent or any bills taken out of them. Ask others in your area what is normally taken out of their pay. Some schools take money for rent or taxes. 

Average Expenses

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent ~ 4,800-57,000 yen per month ($48-570)
    • This will depend on your city, type of housing, teacher housing vs regular apartment, and if any of your rent is subsidized. Sometimes utilities, taxes, or other things are grouped in with your rent. Your school/BOE might deduct rent from your pay before you get it. If this is the case they should tell you beforehand. Still keep track of what they are taking to make sure there aren’t any math mistakes.  
  • Utilities ~ 6,000-16,000 yen per month ($60-160)
    • Your utilities should include electric, gas, and water. Some might be in with your rent some might be separate. This number can fluctuate a lot between summer and winter.
    • Lowering your bills
      • If you want to lower your electric bill its things you plug in and your aircon
      • If you want to lower your gas bill it’s your stove, the hot water in your sink and your shower hot water. If your gas bill is getting a little crazy take a look at how long your showers are. 
  • Internet/Phone ~ combined 8,228-13,000 yen per month ($82-130) phone
    • Phone alone about 2,000-3,000 a month ($20-30)
    • In larger cities you might be able to get a combined phone/internet plan.
    • Most phone plans are 2 year plans and can have major fees around changing plans outside of your designated time. Make sure to keep track of when your free change time is. 
  • School lunch ~ 5,000-? yen per month ($50)
    • Elementary and Junior high school ALTs will have a school lunch for sure. The price is different between elementary schools and junior high schools the the exact cost will change depending on how many times you go to different schools
    • High school ALTs might have lunch options available at school through a cafeteria/shop or by ordering in from a restaurant. Some people also bring a bento everyday instead. 
  • Food ~ 20,000-60,000 yen per month ($200-600)
    • Everyone has to eat there are ways to try and be more cost effective about it but this is an estimate based on what people spend on groceries and eating in their normal lives. 
  • Transportation ~ 3,000-20,000 ($30-200)
    • This will very greatly based on if you have a car, take public transportation, or walk. Schools will reimburse you for gas or public transportation cost for getting to school/coming home. But if this reimbursement comes with your paycheck or a different time is up to them. 
    • Car people: you might have to pay a rental fee if you don’t own your car, as well as gas, and insurance every month.
      • There might be an option to pay a year of insurance at once for a discount. 
      • Insurance rates drop when you get a real Japanese license and when you turn 26. If you have prepaid you should get a reimbursement after you turn 26.   

Things you might have to pay monthly/yearly

  • Shaken ~ 70,000-100,000+ every 2 years ($700-1,000)  
    • This is your car check up every two years your car get a detailed check up to make sure it road safe and meeting all the emissions rules. The cost can vary a lot depending on how much work they have to do on your car. 
  • Taxes
    • Residence Tax ???-144,000+ 1,440
      • Everyone will now pay Residence tax starting their first year. This tax is based on your salary/how much you were paid  from the year before. The tax year starts in April so your first year will most likely have lower taxes since you will have 3 months with a salary of 0.. Some schools take money out of your pay every month to cover taxes some don’t. 
      • You should get a physical bill in the mail. Usually you have to take this paper to city hall to pay. 
      • This tax comes with the ability to pay in 4 parts by making payments every 3-4 months. When you get the bill it will have the slips needed to make full or partial payments and the due date of each payment. 
      • If you work even one day during the tax year you can be on the hook for a full year of taxes. This is why when people leave in July/August they have to pay the full year before leaving. 
    • There are a few type of taxes that you might have to pay depending on your city, if you have a car, or other factors. 
      • Car tax ??-12,900+ $1,290
        • Depends on what your city tax for owning a car/scooter other motor vehicle. 
        • Payed once year as a lump sum. Is usually very consistent.
      • Fire tax ???
        • This one is more common for city people to have to pay to help support the fire department. Most likely once a year. 
      • Taxes from your city
        • ALTs/your supervisor should be able to tell you about any other local taxes. 
  • Nomikais, Enkais, Drinking parties 2,000-10,000 per party 20-100
    • These are parties held by your school at night usually around/after large events. There’s usually a new teachers party, graduation party, goodbye parties, end of the year party, start of year party, sports day, sometimes a party after a big presentation, retirement parties, department parties or anything else your school wants to celebrate. 
    • How fancy/formal and how many people are coming effects the price. 
    • You do not have to drink alcohol at these parties they will have non alcoholic drinks and lots of food. 
    • Some schools have parties almost every month some have them less frequently. 
    • The only party you really really are kind of required to go to is your welcome party. Its highly recommended to go to new teacher party and goodbye parties as well. 
    • These parties usually have nijikais (2nd party), sanjikais (3rd party), or more. You are not required to attend any follow up parties but if you do they have a separate cost from the original party. 
  • School Social Committee funds
    • Some schools have all the teachers pay into a group fund every month/year. This money could go towards coffee and snacks for the teachers room, covering part of the cost for nomikais/parties, buying gifts for teachers (think baby shower gifts, welcome/goodbye gifts, etc.)
  • Travel ???
    • One of the perks of our job is the ability to travel a lot. How much and where you go depends a lot on your planning.  Make sure you shop around for deals and save to get the most out of you trips. 
    • ALTs in your area will know the most effective way to travel around for the best deals. 
    • The expensive all out trips are lots of fun but don’t forget to look for low cost/free things to do in your area as well.Â