In Session 3 if you are an ALT you will take part in a group discussion (please see details below) and if you are a JTE you will have a session with Nakamura-sensei. Both sessions will be held via zoom, please see email for relevant zoom link.

ALT Discussion Session:

Melting Pot: Life in Nagasaki

MENU edition

What is Melting pot? Melting pot is the new section that is taking over from Senpai–Kouhai. We feel it’s time for a new name and shakeabout to make it as engaging as possible, and this is what we came up with! 

Instead of each group having a leader, we have asked either an ALT who reached out to lead one of these discussion groups or the person with the most JET years to facilitate the discussion.. The discussion will be  community run, and you are all in charge of making the most out of this section. However, do not panic as we have come up with a list of questions that we feel are engaging, as well as an opportunity to hear from a wide range of people about their time here on JET. 

We suggest that groups struggling to figure out who should start go in alphabetical order. Hopefully this will keep the conversation going and allow people to hear a variety of experiences. We are also trying to focus more on the positives through this session as we know it’s been a difficult year and we want people to share about the wins as well as the difficulties. We want to ensure this is a constructive discussion and so if you find the discussion is getting focused on one section then you can move onto the next one. 

Things to discuss during this session:

Introductions (appetizers): 

  • Name and Pronouns, age, placement (city or inaka), YEAR ON JET, JHS or SHS and one funny experience you have had in Japan

(Main course):

  • What has been something that was really positive for you over the last year?
  • Something that has been difficult 
  • If you could give your first-year self advice, what would you say? (Simple is ok, for example learning bus routes or finding the most efficient routes)


  • What is your goal for this year in Japan?

If you have any time left and someone in your group has a question, this is the time to ask! If not, how about giving each other a bit more of an introduction of yourselves and use this opportunity to network within the JET community here in Nagasaki.